Platinum Clownfish
Care & Breeding

Platinum Clownfish: A Complete Guide

Overview and Scientific Name

Platinum clownfish which is also known as the false Percula clownfish or glittering Percula fish is a tiny species of marine fish coming from the family of Pomacentridae. Percula clownfish can be found in Indo-Pacific ocean waters from Java to Australia, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands.

The scientific name of Platinum Clownfish is Amphiprion percula.

Origin and Description

Platinum percula clownfish can be found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, and Japan. The only way to differentiate this species apart from other variations of clownfish is by observing their fin pattern where they have two or three bars.

Species profile

Platinum clownfish is a fish coming from East Africa to the east coast of Australia. They are normally silver in color with white spots forming stripes on their body and fins. The most unique characteristic of platinum clownfish is that they don’t have any black spots at the base of their tail fin like other types of clownfish. Platinum clownfish are peaceful fish that are found in large groups of up to 100 individuals.


Platinum Percula Clownfish is native to the Philippines. They live in a freshwater environment and can be found near Palawan’s rivers, lakes, streams, and creeks. The natural habitat of platinum clownfish is in shallow water with lots of algae where they can find a great amount of invertebrate prey.

Platinum clownfish Appearance 

Platinum clownfish coloration can differ as it depends on where the fish is found. The lower half of the body, under the eye, and belly are vibrant yellow or white with a black outline pattern; it can also be dark brown to blue or green in color. It has dark blue stripes on its body and fins. Their fins are in a shade of orange to red. As they mature, they will develop attractive black fins that really stand out against their white body and orange-colored face. Platinum clownfish have elongated head but doesn’t have a visible mouth.

Platinum clownfish size

Platinum percula clownfish can reach up to three inches in length when they are fully grown up but normally they grow around six to seven centimeters in length. The Platinum clownfish male grows up to be larger than the females. They have a lifespan of 20 years in captivity, but their lifespan is mostly shorter in the wild because of huge fishing pressure. 

Life cycle

The life cycle of a Platinum clownfish starts from eggs. When the eggs are fertilized, it will take two to six weeks for them to hatch which depends on their species. The female specie usually lays her eggs inside a mound which is made of ocean sediment or coral rubble within the anemone’s tentacles. Once the eggs are hatched, all fry will be staying in the anemone’s tentacles until they are completely ready to leave.

Platinum Clownfish: A Complete Guide
Platinum Clownfish: A Complete Guide

Are they peaceful or aggressive?

Platinum clownfish are extremely peaceful and they never attack other fish. They are only going to use their spikes to protect themselves if they feel unsafe or scared, but that is very rare because platinum clownfish is one of the easiest marine fish to keep in your home tank. So they are known as excellent pets.

Platinum Clownfish Diet

Platinum clownfish are omnivore species so they like to eat shrimp, fish, squid, and plankton which are also high in proteins. They also like to eat algae. Sometimes young platinum clownfish will like to eat zooplankton or small crustaceans. They like to bite on seaweed while waiting for their next meal. 

Tank mates

The ideal tank mates for Platinum clownfish are hardy species like damselfish and clownfish because they both share the same environments. Platinum clownfish like to live in big groups, so you should keep them with at least three other fish.

Water condition

The water in your tank needs to be kept clean and stable so your platinum clown fish can stay healthy and happy in your home tank. It must not have a pH that is too high or too low, as this will give stress to your platinum clownfish. The temperature of your tank should be maintained between the range of 24-30 degrees Celsius which is 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. 


Platinum clownfish start breeding when they are about 12 months old. The female species lay eggs on a rock, and the male protects them very carefully until they are hatched.

Predators for the eggs could be urchins, crabs, or other fish. Once the eggs are hatched, they will stay near their parents until it is time to find a new hiding place for them. 

Breeding typically occurs in the afternoon hours in warm months. 

Platinum clownfish start breeding when they are about 12 months old. The female species lay eggs on a rock, and the male protects them very carefully until they are hatched.

Predators for the eggs could be urchins, crabs, or other fish. Once the eggs are hatched, they will stay near their parents until it is time to find a new hiding place for them. 

Breeding typically occurs in the afternoon hours in warm months. 

Parasites and diseases

Platinum Clownfish are very open to parasites and diseases. Parasites that affect them are protozoans, ichthyophthirius, nematodes, tapeworms, and trematodes. Clownfish are also very open to bacterial diseases like columnaris and ichthyosporidium.


Predators of Platinum clownfish are urchins, sea stars, and anemones. Platinum Clownfish will also feed on tiny fish like small crabs or shrimp that live in the corals in which they inhabit.

Do platinum clownfish make good pets?

Not, in particular, one can keep them but they require some extra care. Platinum clownfish generally are not known as good pets because they require lots of care and they do not adjust well if there are changes in their environment. They also have a lifespan of only six years, which is not suitable if you need a  long-term pet companion. 


The Platinum Clownfish, commonly known as the fake Percula clownfish, is a tiny Pomacentridae family marine fish. Its body and fins are silver with white specks that create stripes. The fact that this species lacks black dots at the base of its tail fin distinguishes it from other varieties of clownfish. It is quiet and may be found in huge groups of up to 100 people. Platinum clownfish consume shrimp, fish, squid, plankton, and algae. In captivity, they can survive for up to 20 years. During the warm months, breeding usually takes place in the afternoon. Protozoans, ichthyophthirius, nematodes, tapeworms, and trematodes are among the parasites that attack them. Urchins, sea stars, and anemones are among their predators.

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Platinum Clownfish: A Complete Guide
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