Fishes are fascinating creatures and their swimming patterns are very interesting. Today we are going to see if it’s possible for a...
Introduction to Electric Blue Acara Electric blue acara is a freshwater species from the cichlid family. This fish is basically a man-made...
Introduction to Red Devil Fish (Cichlids) Red devil cichlids are fascinating freshwater species. They are from the family Cichlidae. Their scientific name...
Yes, goldfish can eat bread but it’s not a good snack at all. Bread is very dangerous for your fish and in...
Introduction to Gouramis Gouramis are freshwater fishes and they originate from Asia. Gouramis have labyrinth organs and due to this feature, they...
Introduction to Sexy Shrimp Sexy shrimp are ideal pets if you have a small tank as they don’t need much space. It’s...