Do glofish sleep on the bottom of tank?
Care & Breeding

Do Glofish sleep on the bottom of the tank?

If you observe your glofish on the base of your tank, you might be worried or have some related queries!! Today’s article will answer all your questions related to glofish

Do Glofish sleep on the bottom of the tank?

Definitely yes!! This is very common for your glofish to sleep on the base of your tank. Although they don’t entirely fall asleep, they definitely do like to rest at the bottom of your tank.

What does a sleeping glofish look like in the tank?

Even though glofish doesn’t have eyelids, but still there are obvious signs that specify that glofish is resting or sleeping.

Glofish will probably reduce their activity and will not swim when they are resting at the bottom of the tank. Glofish like to swim very slowly which also helps in slowing down their metabolism.

Also when glofish is resting then their gills move scarcely because they slow down their breathing process.

 Glofish might also like to rest inside the decorations or plants in your tank. They feel safe resting inside decorations since they can hide from other fish. On the other hand, decorations are also an ideal way to reduce stress in glofish.

Glofish generally sleep on the base of the tank after some time of swimming around in the tank.

Glofish likes to sleep when there is no light. Because of this, it is recommended to have your glofish led light turned off for at least 8-10 hours every day so they can rest properly and they stay happy in the tank. 

Do glofish sleep on the bottom of tank
Do glofish sleep on the bottom of tank

Why does Glofish like to sleep at the base of the tank?

Glofish likes to sleep at the base of the tank because there are normally slighter activities going on at the base of the tank. Because most of the fish are playing or chasing each other around the middle or on the top of the tank, the rest of the fish can rest at the base.

Another reason that they like the base of the tank is that there are more decorations at the base so they can hide and rest easily.

Is there anything to get worried about if my glofish sleeps at the base of the tank?

Usually, there is nothing to get worried about if your glofish stays at the base, even for long periods of time. it is a very common behavior among glofish.

On the other hand, if your glofish habitually stays at the base of the tank, then it’s a sign they might have a disease. If you observe the following symptoms then it’s a sign that your glofish is sick.

Inconsistent swimming

If you find your glofish swimming in uncertain patterns, then there must be some problem. Glofish also might start swimming sideways or even swimming upturned. But you shouldn’t get confused with their normal chasing behavior.

Lack of Appetite 

If your glofish is staying at the base of the tank and stops eating, this can also be a sign that they must be suffering from a disease. Also, glofish might be terrified by another fish. If you observe this, then you should try scattering food in different parts of the tank and also at the base of the tank so maybe your glofish will like to eat something.

Tail biting

When your glofish is frequently biting other fish’s fins or they might be getting nipped themselves, then this is a sign of stress in your glofish.


Tachypnea is a scientific term for fast breathing. If a glofish rests at the base of a tank, they normally slow down their breathing. But If you observe that your glofish is breathing faster than usual and they are moving their gills quickly, then this means that there isn’t enough oxygen in your tank or that the quality of water is poor. This might also happen when you are not having the right pH for glofish tank

Do glofish sleep on the bottom of tank
Do glofish sleep on the bottom of tank

Uneven growth

If you observe that your glofish has an irregular or uneven growth or if they are having any lump on their belly or on their head, then they might have some problems.

If you find these symptoms, then you should change the water in your tank. In this case, you must also check the temperature and ensure that the water is around 78 degrees Fahrenheit.


As mentioned above, it is absolutely natural for glofish to sleep at the base of the tank. It gave them a sense of comfort and protection.

If your glofish doesn’t stay at the bottom 24/7 and still actively swims around the tank when they are awake, then your glofish is absolutely fine.

But if glofish stays at the base all the time then it’s a sign of disease.

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Do Glofish sleep on the bottom of the tank?
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