Types of Ram Cichlids
Care & Breeding

Types of Ram Cichlids: Everything You Need To Know

Types of Ram Cichlids: We will try to discuss about all types of Ram Cichlids in this article.

Nowadays cichlids are quite popular pets and one of the top choices among them is Ram cichlids. Rams cichlid is one of the most stunning and peaceful fish. Their beautiful coloration can make any aquarist go crazy. Ram cichlids are sensitive in nature and they require a lot of care. They might not be the easiest fish to start with so I don’t recommend beginners keep ram cichlids as their pets.

Types of ram cichlids

German Blue Ram Cichlid

German blue ram is one of the most colorful, social, and peaceful freshwater fish. It’s a South American cichlid with a great personality. Cichlids are mostly aggressive but German blue rams are one of the best cichlids for a community tank. 

German blue ram cichlids need to live in a peaceful community as they will face difficulty to survive in an aggressive tank. Never put them with large aggressive fishes. They love plenty of open swimming spaces with lots of plants in their aquarium. 

Bolivian Ram

Their scientific name is Mikrogeophagus altispinosa. They originated from Bolivia and Brazil. Bolivian Ram is a peaceful freshwater cichlid and it is native to the rivers of Bolivia and Brazil. Bolivian ram is basically a hardy fish so it is super easy to take care of them and is suitable for beginner fish keepers. When they are kept in optimal conditions, it displays beautiful vibrant colors which makes them great masterpiece fish for small community tanks.

They should be kept in groups of a minimum of 2 fishes basically a breeding pair. Bolivian Rams should be kept in an aquarium that has lots of plants in it. It should have clean and sufficient oxygenated soft water since they don’t like strong water currents. Bolivian rams are omnivorous fish and they can be fed a variety of food.

Types of Ram Cichlids
Types of Ram Cichlids

Golden ram cichlid

Golden ram is named after its yellow tones and hints of typical German blue ram markings. Despite their beauty, golden ram fish isn’t for beginners. They are very sensitive to water parameters and improper breeding has left some variations to be more susceptible to parasites or disease. But if you are able to find a reputable breeder and set up the tank properly then golden ram cichlid might be the fish for you. Golden rams are easy to identify because of their bright and attractive yellow color. They are basically mango colored and a bit darker around their head. The second half of their body is in a lighter shade or even entirely white. 

Types of Ram Cichlids
Types of Ram Cichlids

Electric blue ram cichlid

Electric blue ram doesn’t exist in nature, it is 100 percent made through selective breeding to have that high blue electric look. Electric blue Ram requires a tank that has been up and running for quite some time, at least 6 months. They thrive in warmer water. They want a very acidic low pH aquarium so if you have a heavily planted tank with lots of tannins or driftwood, this fish is definitely the one for you.

They are very peaceful fish, they only get aggressive when they are in the breeding process.

Types of Ram Cichlids
Types of Ram Cichlids

Black rams cichlid

Black Rams are also known as Dark knight rams or Midnight Rams. They are a newly bred variety from the German blue rams. They are already dark in color but if you keep them in a dim tank with a darker substrate, then they will become dark naturally. They thrive in an aquarium that has a sandy substrate with plenty of driftwood and rock formations. They like to eat high-quality dry, frozen and also live meaty foods, which are rich in protein. 

Types of Ram Cichlids
Types of Ram Cichlids

Butterfly ram cichlid

They are basically small species of cichlid. Butterfly ram cichlids are tiny, beautiful, and colorful fish and they are found in the river waters of Colombia and Venezuela, but they are a popular aquarium pet. Butterfly ram cichlids are very delicate so they require flawless water and good quality water. They are susceptible to disease so they are not much recommended for amateur aquarists. 

Types of Ram Cichlids
Types of Ram Cichlids

Choosing the Best Ram Cichlid for Your Aquarium

Now you know about the types of rams cichlid so it would be easy for you to decide which ram cichlid suits the beat for your tank. Ram cichlids are peculiar fish and they are absolutely unique due to their beautiful colorations. Ram cichlids are great community tank mates as long as they have enough space for swimming. 


In conclusion, Ram cichlids are stunning and peaceful fish that have gained immense popularity among pet owners. However, they require a lot of care and attention, which may make them unsuitable for beginners. This article discussed the various types of Ram cichlids, including German Blue Ram, Bolivian Ram, Golden Ram, Electric Blue Ram, Black Ram, and Butterfly Ram.

Each type has its own unique characteristics and requirements, and it is important to choose the best Ram cichlid for your aquarium based on their needs and your experience level as an aquarist. Ram cichlids can make great community tank mates, but they require plenty of swimming space and a suitable environment to thrive. With proper care, Ram cichlids can be a beautiful addition to any aquarium.

To read more about fish and types of fish do visit our website fishcaringnow.com

Types of Ram Cichlids: Everything You Need To Know
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